Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What rotten things do you love about running?

There are many less-than-refined things to love about running...
What rotten things make you laugh on your runs?

We love snot rockets (the thicker the better), rhythmic farting, non-rhythmic farting, diarrhea (the kind that comes with no notice), nausea, vomiting, body odors (and not just the ones from our pits), chub-rub, blisters, Vaseline or Body Glide, spitting, squatting behind a tree, muddy legs, salty sunscreen residue, bloody nipples (on other people), nasty laundry, stashed water, handheld mace, dogs that come outta nowhere, friendship, a little time away from our babies, the adventure of rural runs, and caffeinated energy gels.

Of course, many of these things aren't a bit funny until after the run is over.
Who woulda thought running could be so rotten?

Miles of smiles from the Original Rotten Runners,
Jetta and Megan

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