Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bees, Boobs, and Defeat

What are the odds of a bee flying up the BOTTOM of your shirt in COLD weather and then stinging your stomach while out for a run? Just ask Megan. Apparently the odds are 100%.

The unexpected sharp pain of the sting caused Megan to come to a schreeching halt. She began to yelp and holler without inhibition, while desperately pawing at her stomach. Several dogs chimed in to her noise, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. After digging in her shirt, and flashing me quite blatantly (for fear the bee was in her bra, sure...) we found the black and yellow culprit. He fell to the ground half-dead from Megan's backlash, and I smashed him triumphantly, finishing the job "Take that, bee! That'll teach YOU to sting MY running mate and mess up our pace and running stats!" As usual, I proved to be the brave one during this run.

We kept running along, despite the bee disturbance. But then, around mile 4 a bug flew directly into Megan's eye. She couldn't get it out, so she just left it festering in there. She was defeated. We ran back to our vehicles and called it a day, understanding that not every run can be a great one. Here's to hoping that YOUR run turns out better than ours was!

Miles of smiles from the Original Rotten Runners,

Jetta and Megan

1 comment:

  1. Just an update, the bug eventually came out of my eye about 4 hours after our run. Not my finest moment.
